STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: KONZERTE - CONCERTS -

Bishops, The | Butterfly Bangs

Stadt / City Hamburg 
Land / Country Germany 
Datum / Date24 May 2006 
Bildergalerie / Picture gallery Bishops_ButterflyBangs_Prinzenbar_2006 
Photos: Samira Alinto 

The twins Mike und Pete Bishop and Chris McConville from London have played with their band The Bishops already this year in Hamburg. Unfortunately I missed this show, yet not the slight Tinitus I got after meeting this young bearded man with a megaphone at Schulterblatt suburbs who announced it noisily. Even if The Bishops have not been well-known yet they managed to fill Prinzenbar back then, thanks to this promotion. As this is a remarkable exception this year in almost every club, the bands could return after only two months, this time with an opening act from London.

The openers that The Bishops brought with them were well-chosen. Butterfly Bangs played The Strokes-alike Rock, which is very catchy, especially songs like „Flowers In A Box“ or „The Greatest Love“. The frontman, sometimes looking stressed, featured a charismatic voice and covered up slight sound problems. After their half an hour show I´d liked to have some more . Perhaps the band should rather take it easy, but of course that´s easier said than done, I know. Perhaps if the singer just moved a little bit more the whole act would not appear so stiff. Anyway, this is a very talented young band that you should keep an eye on..

It´s already pretty difficult for me (and I fail very often) to distinguish the singers Mike and Pete Bishop, and only because Pete plays the Bass und Mike guitar I could manage. They not only look alike, they also dress alike...

Paradise bird and drummer Chris McConville is naturally easier to identify. Besides his wonderful crazy outfit he impressed me and the Prinzenbar-soundman with his skills and with a professional attitude that also the whole band displayed.

Guitar, bass and drums perfectly balanced, without obvious mistakes and a great stage presence: you could see those three guys, who appear to be so shy, going totally crazy.

British Rock without cliches. As with Butterfly Bangs, you could hear extremely catchy tunes like „Be There“, „Menace About Town“, or „Back n´ Forth“. There were only one or two songs of the Londoners that didn´t shake the Prinzenbar.

I am already looking forward to the next album, hopefully to be released soon, and only recommend to check out the next The Bishops concert. Honest advice!

Samira Alinto, translation: Klaudia Weber

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