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- Rezension: FILME - MOVIES -

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Darsteller / Actors Hugh Jackman, Liev Schreiber, Will i Am, Lynn Collins, Dominic Monaghan, Taylor Kitsch 
Regie / Director Gavin Hood 
Total run time
107 min
Vö / Release
FSK/not under:

The film tells something about the history of Logan - alias Wolverine, revealing his mysterious past, his complex relationship to Victor Creed (Liev Schreiber) alias Sabretooth and the ominous Weapon-X program. The viewer will find out who Wolverine really is, and also a bit about the roots of the X-Men. Hugh Jackman impersonates again that character that made him a superstar: Wolverine - the man with claws of steel, remarkable self-healing abilities, gruffy charme and a good portion of dry humor. Thanks to a sneak-preview in Helsinki I can already tell you what you can expect of this latest X-Men spin-of, and I´ll try very hard not to reveal too much.

Therefore only those hints: What appears to be a too plain and simple Kain-and-Abel plot (carried beautifully by those excellent actors and therefore absolutely convincing), enfolds later as a more complex story. With so many surprises, that it became a bit too much for me sometimes. Despite all those many turning points I find the story lacking substance and depth, in comparison with the X-Men-Saga. Well, perhaps I had expected too much... But with those almost 2 hours you´ll get first class entertainment, racing action and many breathtaking man-on-man combat scenes, so perhaps this little flaw - being a bit superficial - doesn´t matter too much. Moreover, ladies, you get to see a half to fully (!!) naked Hugh Jackman - so who really misses political/social criticism (the backbone of the X-Men)? Therefore this one is definitely recommendable...

PS: In Finland there is a K-13 rating, for Germany I don´t know about any age restrictions.

Klaudia Weber

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