STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: FILME - MOVIES -

Charlie Bartlett

Darsteller / Actors Anton Yelchin, Robert Downey Jr. and others 
Regie / Director John Poll 
Total run time
Vö / Release
FSK/not under:
27. Feb 2009

This is a comedy of a young man, Charlie Bartlett; a teenager from a high-class family joining a lower class high school. Naturally he has his problems fitting in, so he tackles this with becoming a psychiatrist for his fellow pupils.

The comedy within the film is not the typical teenage American Pie peeing into-someone´s-mouth or stepping-into-dog-poo humour; instead it holds a fair amount of intelligence. However this intelligence is not so overdone that it would become stiff-lipped, so the demography of the audience is greatly widened. Moreso, the jokes themselves are most definitely good.

As this is a comedy-drama, the dramatic aspect of the film hold its own weight, and it holds it well. The main problems tackled within this film are sociological, more specifically family ties and the psycho-social problems within western teenagers. Going in even more deep, the child-parent ties are looked at and analysed as well as the identity issues within youngsters.

The acting holds nothing more to hope for. Anton Yelchin pulls off a perfect role and Robert Downey Jr. is great once again. Though I forget the origin of the phrase, Peter O´Toole once said “dying is easy, comedy is hard” and looking at how well the roles are executed, this deserves a big clap.

I believe everybody can enjoy this film, as long as one is within the age of reason and if you don´t like this, stick to Jackass, jackass.

Ozzy Aikas, transl. K. Weber

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