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Blake / Godsplague / Bloodred Hourglass

Stadt / City Helsinki 
Land / Country FIN 
Virgin Oil 
Datum / Date21.09.2012 
Bildergalerie / Picture gallery Blake12_gal 
Photos: Sandy Mahrer 

When the days get darker and it´s raining constantly, you hardly find motivation to go outside. But on this evening it´s worth it to check those bands at Virgin Oil. This Club in Helsinki center doesn´t quite impress with sound quality, but the stage looks great with those four statues at the sides.

More photos in the gallery, link in the top section!
The concert evening is opened by Bloodred Hourglass from Mikkeli who were signed by Spinefarm. The band is said to have huge potential, and indeed they can convince some audience tonight. With their Thrash Metal combinded with other styles those 5 guys seem to hit the bull´s eye. Their songs have variety, the change from one style to another is seamless. They could not quite convince me with their debut CD "Lifebound", but live they are remarkable. And they offer some show action with singer Jarkko chatting up the audience and the rare sight of a bass player surging forward, even more than the rest of the band, almost falling off the stage. Well, they could perhaps interact a bit more, it seems everybody plays for himself, but all in all those guys are not bad.

More photos in the gallery, link in the top section!
The second band on is Godsplague. The four guys around boss Euge Valovirta are well-known in Finland for their Friday Night Boozin' Metal. Some people seem to be here just for this band, but I am not such a fan. For me their music sounds too similar, as if it was a cover song, and also in terms of stage show there is not much to see. Not my fave, but that´s a question of preferences.

More photos in the gallery, link in the top section!
After a lengthy changeover finally the headliner enters the stage, Blake. This bald giant on stage is indeed an impressive sight, and he has charisma other show people would wish for. The new Live-Line-up features e.g. Euge Valovirta who does his second guitar job in a row tonight. Aaro could not have found anybody better – we saw that already at Myötätuulirock festival in August. Also here you can see an occasional smile on the otherwise stoic vocalist´s face, and there was some action in their performance. Drummer Kari Reini is a piece of art by himself, like a god behind his kit. Another new guy on bass, Ilari Hämäläinen, splashes some colour on stage with his red boots and his charisma. It seems as soon as he grabs his instrument, he cannot stand still any more. As I have seen Blake only at festivals, I somehow miss the wind that disperses the haze filling the stage – a view that simply fits to this band´s dark Rock. And once again I have to admit – although the band was pretty good before – the new guys seem to breathe new life into Blake also as live-act. What a pity that a part of the audience had left already – for whatever reason, and those who were present preferred to stay in the background. Not the band´s fault, perhaps the depressing weather was to blame.

Sandy Mahrer, transl. K.Weber

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