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Wednesday 13 / Suicide Love Boat

Stadt / City Helsinki 
Land / Country FIN 
Datum / Date8.12.2011 
Bildergalerie / Picture gallery wednesday13_11 
Photos: Sandy Mahrer 

Oh what a reception in Helsinki, with rain and snow – a change to the worse compared with Swiss home country: +10 degrees and bright sunshine. But even though the weather is bad here, the gigs are so much better than at home, or more precisely, you get to see a lot of acts who hardly ever play in Switzerland. And neither the sleet nor the troubles with press list and photo pass can change my good mood. When finally also having official permission to take photos, Suicide Love Boat are already half through their set. The rules are as usual, „first 3 songs only and no flash“, therefore no picture of those guys here. What a pity, their outfits looked pretty cool, all in white. The guys from Tampere play a good warm up gig for the unfortunately still small crowd.

More photos in the gallery, link in the heading section!
Wednesday 13
provide an almost identical line-up to Murderdolls, and there are hardly any differences between those two bands. Even the music is pretty similar, as well as the Make-up. A whole hour set list covers the best-of the whole Wednesday 13 back catalogue. Although the songs sound pretty similar now and then, there is no boredom, due to the constantly changing props that fronter Mr. 13 drags on stage, for example a skull on a shovel, a walking stick or a guitar which is used to accompany Jack and Roman. Besides old songs there are naturally a few from the new record "Calling all Corpses": "Silver Bullets", "I wanna be cremated" and "Something Wicked this way comes" with a strong Country music touch, and naturally Wednesday 13 is wearing a cowboy hat for that one. The spirits are high, and it´s indeed difficult to say goodbye to the guys after this 1 h show. Hopefully it does not take too long until the next gig, and perhaps Mr. 13 even manages to get his Country project "Bourbon Crow" to Europe. A great gig, and besides the Murderdolls concert the absolute highlight of 2011. And who missed it – well, that´s your own fault.

Sandy Mahrer, transl. K.Weber

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