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Murderdolls/ Marionette

Stadt / City Zürich 
Land / Country Switzerland 
Dynamo Jugendkulturhaus 
Datum / Date25.01.2011 
Bildergalerie / Picture gallery Murderdolls_ZH 
Photos: Sandy Mahrer 

Hardly anyone believed in the band´s return to the scene. Surprisingly, though, the Murderdolls are back now after being on an 8-year hiatus. On their European tour, they also give the Swiss a chance to see the horror punk band, after a long, long time, live on stage again. Before the gig STALKER had the honour to talk to frontman Wednesday 13. You will find this interview on these very pages in a short while.

It was up to the Swedish band Marionette to get the crowd going for the main act of tonight. And most of the people really seemed to like those guys around fronter Alexander Andersson, the band raised a lot of cheer. After the first song, the bloody mask came off, which Alex had worn before. Even though the hardcore of the guys from Gothenburg was not a perfect fit to the sound of the Murderdolls, the band still delivered a great show with fierce growls and cool songs.


After a short break, the light went out again – finally the moment had come. Drummer Racci Shay enters the stage, followed by Joey Jordison (this time as the master of six strings despite the usual two sticks) and the rest of the crew. The band looks awesome once again; they put a lot of thought into their outfit, perfect from head to toe. By the way, one or the other metalhead could really model themselves on the guys and get a proper haircut a la Wednesday 13 or Roman Surman.

Dusty as if just risen from the grave, the five US-Americans stand on the stage. Musically, they are above any reproach and so they rock the Dynamo with the best songs they have from the first second on. When the crowd was asked who would have the old and the new album of the band, there were only a few answers but nevertheless, the about 150 gig visitors still showed the band that their return was definitely the right decision.

For the last song, Wednesday 13 invited the crowd to sing along and shout “fuck”. Just to remind the crowd of their duty, he had an umbrella, which boasted the letters F-U-C-K. And so he and the umbrella paced over the stage. 1,5 hours of show went like a flash but you could´ve easily listened to and watched the guys 1,5 h more.
So one can only hope that it won´t take 8 years again until the band will return. In any case, this was an awesome evening that couldn´t have been any better, For me it was clearly the best gig I´ve seen in years.

Sandy Mahrer, transl. K. Gransalke

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