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- Reviews: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title New World Obscurity 
Label Winter Solitude / Danse Macabre 
Total run time
61 min 
Vö/ReleaseOktober 2014 

Actually it could be work enaugh to specialize exclusively on the various visual and verbal manifestations of the Berlin musician Sascha Blach. Not enough that he hoarsely-demonic roars in the band EDEN WEINT IM GRAB, as well as he vocalizes at TRANSIT POETRY in a clear voice, recites in other projects in sonorous sound poetry or at COSMA NOVA plucks the bass strings, moreover he writes for magazines like Zillo and NEGAtief, to name only some of the tireless activities - now one can find the voice&tune artist in the rock/metal band DESPAIRATION, too.

This is neither surprising nor new, this band is celebrating with this album its 20th anniversary. Once founded in 1994 in Upper Franconia/Germany by guitarist Martin Jungkunz, a year later Blach joined as a singer. And in this "New World Obscurity", six years after the last production, those two give power to the machine and start with "Not Afraid" a hard rocking opener with complex rhythm and contrasting simple but melodic vocals. Here awaken memories of early Dream Theater. Exciting it continues with latino enriched rock and metal. Jens Reinhold as a third man on drums gets lots of varied material to fuel the skins.

The interplay of strong, like in the 80s proliferating guitar lines of Jungkunz including contentedly enjoyed solos together with Blachs vocal ideas and his relish in melodious chorus works audible excellent. In "Poison of the Sky" comes on a lighter vocal Ozzy Osbourne-touch, in "Abroad The Ship Of Fools" Blach has cut himself a slice of Dave Wyndorfs (Monster Magnet) throat. A good portion of gloom blowing in the sails of this rocking ship, that doesn´t slide either through calm or through storm, but there can be discovered on its journey a lot; and in between the helmsman finds also quiet moments and can bathe his ear to the romantic shores.

Andreas Torneberg

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