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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title We want Mohr 
Label Tubareckorz / Rough Trade 
Total run time
CD 45 min. + DVD 
Vö/ReleaseJanuar 2014 

A half-side tattooed Half-naked dances, dives on the bellies of fat men and rejoices in virtuoso trained soprano. A man in a flowing dress with plait roars with a deep bass, and a third with sunglasses who looks like formerly Dave Stewart is rigid, smokes and moves his fingers on a six strings guitar at the same time like a puppet - the Knorkators are on the loose! Anarchy! Hardcore! Metal! Then perhaps disco-pop? Rock`n´Roll? In any case, you will be fabulous amused by the newly released live concert DVD of the Berlin show rockers - these are not just songs, this is pure entertainment with background singers in a dirndl, which are encountered in air-filled balls from the stage into the audience and rolling over their heads, organs that are smashed with hammers, just the bare desire to go wild

And that is only half the thing: Actually the publication is called "We want Mohr" and includes the brand new CD of the "most band in the world" with brand new songs, but three of them have very old texts - because here they digged in the dark verses of Mr Heinrich Hoffmann, at the time notorious for the controversial picture book "Der Struwwelpeter". In addition, as usual the vocals relish the dissecting, satirizing and at the same time creative verbal acrobatics, while their musical foundation is poaching in various stylistic pots. Now the band already exists for exactly 20 years - and is not a bit quieter or wiser, but remains still curious, wild more on “mohr”. Here´s mohr on the ear. In beautifully designed packaging, delicious illustrated.

Knorkator is one of the most original bands in German lands with an irrepressible live energy and a very artistic use of German language - although it comes on the present album to three English texts. On the DVD you can still see the old drummer Nick, son of Georgi Gogow (City - "At the Window"), but on the CD is already the new drummer at work, Sebastian Meyer (ex-Pothead). Fine wares.

Andreas Torneberg

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