STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title This is Gonna Hurt 
Label Steamhammer (SPV) 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

If one would combine the money-making music industry, a rock star from the 80´s and the balls from Tokio Hotel, the result is the new album from Sixx:A.M., “This is Gonna Hurt”. This record goes to prove that there are boy-bands in every genre, even “Hard” Rock.

One very critical aspect about music has always been credibility. One should not only say, sing or play something without sounding like it could be true. Frankly, someone, who sings about inner daemons, while sounding like he´s in a slow-motion music video with his hair fluttering in the breeze and flexing his six-pack… does not sound credible. Furthermore, one ballad is more than enough -3.5 ballads on one record are too much, even for Avril Lavigne.

It must be said that the songs were written very professionally and they will probably be quite popular. The record was co-produced by the singer, James Michael, and he showed a fair amount of vocal talent in the record as well as manufacturing well constructed songs. The tracks have catchy choruses and are not easy to forget; furthermore, the solos performed by DJ Ashba were not bad. The last bonus to “This is Gonna Hurt” is that there was little to nothing being ripped off from Mötley Crüe.

In the end, I must say that this record was manufactured very well and will sell like hot cakes as well as produce a single to hang around the billboards at least for a while and I hate it. If the artist and his posse would have had the guts to call this pop, which it is, there may have been at least half a point for honesty.

Ozzy Aikas

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