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- Reviews: AUDIO CD -

Die Kleinen Götter

Titel / Title Zuhause 
Label mossBEACH music 
Total run time

Die Kleinen Götter [The Little Gods] are at home in Kostanz, Germany, and, fittingly, “Zuhause” [At Home], is also the title of their new album. What the Gods offer on “Zuhause” is German-speaking indie punk, with the emphasis, however, rather on indie than on punk and, with that in mind it’s clear that the music and the singing can’t exactly knock anybody’s socks off. Everything goes by just a little too harmless and unnoticed and has just enough energy to make your feet tap. What remains are the lyrics, which are apparently also of priority for the band and thus, in a narrative manner, they ponder about today’s society and want to animate the listeners to ponder themselves. However, after only four songs those pseudo-intellectual slogans in a singer-songwriter style start to get really annoying and so in the end there’s not much left that wants you to listen to the record one more time.

Kathleen Gransalke

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