STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: FILME - MOVIES -

Chroniken der Unterwelt - City of Bones | The Mortal Instruments - City of Bones

Darsteller / Actors Lily Collins, Jamie Campbell Bower, Robert Sheehan, Kevin Zegers, Lena Headey and many more 
Regie / Director Harald Zwart 
Total run time
Vö / Release
FSK/not under:
29 Aug 2013

The fifteen year old Clary (Lily Collins) lives with her mother Jocelyn (Lena Headey) in New York. After Jocelyn is being kidnapped, Clary discloses the family secret, which leaves a difficult legacy for her: Her mother once belonged to the fellowship of Shadow Hunter, a group that has been hunting demons for more than a thousand years. With her new Shadow Hunter friends and her childhood friend Simon, Clary becomes acquainted with this parallel world. However, the world of the demon hunters is strife-torn and full of hostile, mystical creatures. The movie is based on the fantasy novel series “Chronicles of the Underworld” by Cassandra Clare; “City of Bones” represents the first volume of the six-part series.

Movie: Oh dear, this movie is poorly made. The characters are weak and they are way too numerous. Details, which should make the characters more alive, were thrown in out of context. A great novel was simply killed. Not only do you get the impression that you can actually hear the stage directions given to the actors, such as “now look puzzled and now more yearning” etc., also the love story between Clary and the gothic shadow warrior Jace Wayland is clumsy and not played in a very convincing way. The connection between the particular species such as the demons, vampires, werewolves and shadow warriors is only briefly explained and then implemented self-evidently. The leading actor Lily Collins appears to be miscast, along with most of the other co-stars. In this movie, a novel that conveys incredibly concentrated action on 500 pages is being squashed on celluloid at a breakneck speed of 130 minutes. Even hardcore Twilight fans might not see much of an upside to this movie. One plus point is awarded for the special effects – nothing more positive comes to mind.

Samira Alinto | translation: Alexandra Venho

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